Board Meetings
The Board of Indigents’ Defense Services meets at least once each quarter, but sometimes more often if needed. Interested members of the public are welcome to attend, and meetings are occasionally livestreamed here.
Please contact Chief Legal Counsel Brandon Barrett at bbarrett@sbids.org for additional information or if you have questions.
Our Next Board Meeting
February 7, 2025 at 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Jayhawk Tower, Florentine Room
700 SW Jackson Street
Topeka, KS 66603
Other Upcoming Board Meetings
February 7, 2025
Florentine Room, Jayhawk Tower
700 SW Jackson Street
Topeka, KS 66603
April 4, 2025
Florentine Room, Jayhawk Tower
700 SW Jackson Street
Topeka, KS 66603
June 6, 2025
Florentine Room, Jayhawk Tower
700 SW Jackson Street
Topeka, KS 66603
August 8, 2025
Florentine Room, Jayhawk Tower
700 SW Jackson Street
Topeka, KS 66603
September 5, 2025
Florentine Room, Jayhawk Tower
700 SW Jackson Street
Topeka, KS 66603
December 5, 2025
Florentine Room, Jayhawk Tower
700 SW Jackson Street
Topeka, KS 66603
Past Board Meetings
December 6, 2024
General Business Meeting
October 25, 2024
General Business Meeting
In the Director’s Report you will find that we have hired the following employees: Reno County Public Defender Office, Christy Jones; North Central Regional Public Defender Office, Trey Bryant; Assistant Director of Special Projects, Karen Leve; and Legislative Staff Attorney, Rebekah Gaston. You will also see that our Reno County Public Defender Office, Wyandotte County Public Defender Office, and Capital Habeas Office are getting new lease space, while many other offices are on the hunt for additional leasing space. Additionally, you will see that Chief Justice Luckert invited Heather Cessna and Ann Sagan to participate in the Midwest Summit of Council of State Court Administrators and the Council of Chief Judges, hosted by the National Center for State Courts in Indianapolis. The Training Department provided a brief update on the Investigator’s Conference and New Attorney Trainings that they hosted, as well as on the Emotional Intelligence and Communication presentation they provided to one of our offices. The legislative sessions this year are going to look different than in past years, as special committees will be meeting in the fall as opposed to meeting after the Governor’s recommendations have been published.
September 6, 2024
General Business Meeting
The Board was updated on our vacancy status, as well as informed on the two large onboarding sessions that our HR Department was conducting. Currently we have 27 FTE’s, 15 of those being attorney positions. Kim Mason provided the budget review for the outgoing FY25 and upcoming FY26. There was discussion of pay and caseload staffing issues. The Board passed the budgets and also passed the possibility of raising the assigned counsel rate to $125 starting January 1st.
August 9, 2024
General Business Meeting
In the Director’s Report you will find that we have hired the following employees: Assistant Training Director, Krystal Vokins; Procurement Officer, Lance Mitchell; and promoted Lori Jensen into Acting Chief Public Defender of our Western Regional Public Defender Office. You will also see that our Wyandotte Office started accepting a limited number of cases on August 12, 2024. Additionally, you will find that some of our very own presented at the Kansas Women’s Attorney’s Association. Our Lawrence Office was gifted with a beautifully crafted bench, as well. Ann Sagan shared the conclusion of our summer internship, as well as provided some insight into what our fall internship was shaping out to be. Caroline Zuschek, Danielle Hamilton-Slate, and Kelly Driscoll, members of the well-being committee, provided a presentation on the 2024 BIDS Well-Being Survey. This year 52% of BIDS employees participated in the survey. The Board then listened to a quick preview on various budget and legislative topics that will be getting discussed at our next board meeting on September 6, 2024. There was mention of an IT security incident that happened, which resulted in a remarkably fast response time and resolution. The Board then reviewed and approved the new contracts for direct client representations.
June 7, 2024
General Business Meeting
In the Director’s Report you will find that our brand-new 11th Judicial Public Defender Office has hired office chief, Jessica Watts. You will also have the opportunity to read the latest progress that has been made regarding the well-being and impact of trauma to our Public Defenders, as well as discover that our very own, Heather Cessna, will be receiving an Outstanding Service Award from the KBA later this month. The Board then received a presentation from the Gault Center. This presentation consisted of their findings within the juvenile defense system in Kansas, the work they’ve been doing within that system these past few years, and their vision/desire for our agency to take on juvenile defense in the State of Kansas. Upon conclusion of the Gault Center presentation, Malia Brink then provided a presentation to The Board on the rural attorney shortage crisis in Kansas. The Board then heard updates on salary increases, as well as voted for the approval of FY 2025 pay scales (to include adjustments at top end). Progress of the new offices were then shared with The Board. The legislative committee’s Chair and Co-Chair provided an overview of the various participation that our legislative committee had in the 2024 session. The Training Department then discussed conferences that had recently concluded, and introduced the upcoming trainings also. Ann Sagan provided a brief overview of our summer internship program. The Board then reviewed and approved the FY 2025 Financial Affidavits (with 2024 federal poverty guidelines), as well as the new contracts for direct client representations.
April 5, 2024
General Business Meeting
The Board received the Director’s Report which addressed changes in Administrative Office personnel and policies. The Board next heard from two assigned counsel attorneys about billing difficulties they have encountered in Riley County. The Board was then updated on BIDS’ current legislative efforts including the budget and assigned counsel rates as well as opposition to HB 2782 which proposed to add hypoxia as an approved method of execution. The Board also received updates on the status of agency wide training, approved new reimbursement tables for assigned counsel representations and approved new contracts for direct client representations.
February 9, 2024
General Business Meeting
The Board first reelected its Chair and Secretary. The Board then received updates on potential SBIDS employee raises, the upcoming Wyandotte and Pittsburg offices, the proposed new statutory assigned counsel rate of $120 per hour and strategies to fill vacant positions. Next, the Board heard an update from the Legislative Committee about their composition, work and which bills they have been tracking throughout the legislative session. The Board also adopted a resolution recognizing the continued work of SBIDS employees and assigned counsel for the 61st anniversary of Gideon v. Wainwright and approved new contracts for direct client representations.
December 8, 2023
General Business Meeting
The Board was introduced to new Administrative Office Staff and given an update on the 7th Judicial District Public Defender’s opening and current status. The Board was then updated on Partners for Justice’s work with the Sedgwick County Office. The Board received a presentation on the new SBIDS caseload report which details the number of attorneys and non-attorney staff SBIDS will need to be compliant with the new modern standards and how the agency plans to approach the needed growth. The Board also received information about upcoming legislative priorities and approved new attorney contracts.
September 8, 2023
General Business Meeting
At this meeting the Board was given updates on the opening of the Douglas County Public Defender Office and the publication of the Well-Being survey. The Board then reviewed the proposed budget and budget enhancements for the upcoming fiscal year. The Board agreed that slight changes to the enhancement language surrounding pay parity should be made before submission. No changes were needed to the enhancement requests for staffing, infrastructure, the proposed $140 per hour assigned counsel rate and the proposed salary enhancement for Legal Services for Prisoners. The Board also discussed the future of Legal Services for Prisoners as it relates to BIDS. Afterwards, the Board adjourned until December 8, 2023 at 1:30 p.m.
August 11, 2023
General Business Meeting
The Board received updates on Public Defender Office Expansion into the 7th, 11th, and 29th Judicial Districts. The Board received further updates on the BIDS Summer Internship Program, developments in the Training Department and the Kansas Rural Justice Initiative Committee. Additionally, the BIDS Well-Being Committee presented their report to the Board and there were preliminary discussions about the upcoming budget.
June 2, 2023
General Business Meeting
Director Cessna detailed the celebration of Gideon Week which included the Board’s Resolution, a Resolution by the Kansas House of Representatives recognizing March 18, 2023 as Kansas Public Defender Day, and a celebration of the Gideon decision’s birthday held in Lawrence. The Board was introduced to the Assigned Counsel and Expert coordinator Emily Leiker. The Board received updates on training, partnerships, agency budget, the request to permanently raise the assigned counsel rate to $120 per hour, new staff positions and office expansion in the 7th, 11th and 29th Judicial Districts. The board was also given previews of upcoming reports involving staffing, caseloads and capital punishment and approved an updated pay scale.
March 10, 2023
General Business Meeting
At this meeting the Board was given updates on pending legislation and office expansion. The Board also received a review of the most recent new attorney training held in Wichita. The Board was given information about the upcoming Leadership Conference on May 4 & 5 2023, and the 1st Annual BIDS Conference on June 5 & 6. The BIDS Death Penalty Advisory Committee requested a report on the state of capital punishment within BIDS and the State of Kansas which the Board approved. The board also approved a new Confidentiality Policy, attorney registration fee payments for Public Defenders and new appointed counsel contracts. The Board also heard and approved a resolution recognizing Gideon Week and the work done by BIDS and appointed counsel. Afterwards, the board adjourned until April 21, 2023.
This was the first Board meeting as official board members for new members Alexandra “Nikki” Rose and Maurice Brewer.
January 27, 2023
General Business Meeting
The Board first reelected Board Chair Braden Perry and Board Secretary Dr. Michael Birzer to their positions after an open vote. The Board was then introduced to two prospective Board members that have since been confirmed. Alexandra “Nikki” Rose of Sedgwick County will replace Richard Ney on the Board after his final meeting on September 9, 2022. Maurice Brewer will replace Jeffrey Leiker of Wyandotte County after this meeting, which is Mr. Leiker’s last. The Board then reviewed the Governor’s Budget Recommendations and was given an update on recent informational sessions and budget hearings by Director Cessna.
Next, the Board reviewed potential partnerships which would allow BIDS to better accomplish its mission. The Board was updated on progress towards working with Partners for Justice to better integrate holistic defense principles into the agency. This was followed by information about a collaboration with the Dedman School of Law at SMU to assist BIDS in identifying rural counsel and areas which are underserved or not served by in-county attorneys. Finally, the Board received an update on the Initial Appearances Project.
Prior to adjourning, Mr. Leiker was recognized for his long and valuable service to the Board. Mr. Leiker was the longest serving member of the Board. His experience and perspective were important aspects of the Board over his tenue and will be missed.
December 16, 2022
General Business Meeting
The Board received updates on several matters addressed at prior meetings. First, the Director detailed progress made toward opening a Public Defender Office in the 7th Judicial District. Second, the Board was informed about the status and details of the pending SBIDS budget request for the upcoming fiscal year. Third, the positive impact of the Board’s approved pay scale adjustments on recruiting and retention was outlined. Lastly, the Board reviewed changes to existing regulations related to assigned counsel and private investigator pay and voted to adopt these revised regulations.
The SBIDS Training Department addressed the Board and presented information on recent developments and upcoming trainings. Specifically, Christina Kerls was introduced as the new Assistant Training Director and Richard Ney was introduced as a Training Specialist. The new attorney training program conducted earlier this year and the upcoming new attorney training were reviewed along with upcoming trainings in calendar year 2023.
The Director reviewed information about the upcoming legislative session with the Board. This review included the introduction of the BIDS Legislative Committee and one of its lead attorneys, Clayton Perkins
Several contracts for assigned counsel representation were approved.
The Board also approved Board Meeting dates for calendar year 2023.
September 9, 2022
General Business Meeting
After review of received public comments, the Board voted to approve opening a Public Defender office to serve the 11th Judicial District. The Board also received an update on the plan to open a Public Defender office to serve the 7th Judicial District. Later, the Board approved the proposed budget request for the upcoming fiscal year. Attorney contracts were then approved by the Board.
Due to scheduling conflicts the Board voted to move the next Board Meeting from December 9, 2022 at 1:30 p.m. to December 16, 2022 at 1:30 p.m.
This was the final meeting for Board member Richard Ney. Mr. Ney was a valuable contributor to the Board and his work is appreciated by the Board specifically and the agency as a whole. A new Board member has not yet been announced.
August 12, 2022
General Business Meeting
The Board heard an update on the Public Defender Expansion Project’s progress and future plans. The Board also received a summary of the Inaugural BIDS Summer Internship Program and discussed the results of this year’s BIDS Well-Being Survey after a presentation by two members of the Well-Being Committee. Additionally, the Board approved the modern redesign of sbids.org and established an in-house Legislative Committee to address concerns about bills during the legislative session.
June 3, 2022
General Business Meeting
The Board approved an amended version of the BIDS payscale, and issued a resolution to continue working towards pay parity with prosecutors. The Board also discussed the Public Defender Expansion Project, and agreed to hold a meeting for public comment on the possibility of establishing a Crawford County Public Defender Office. The Board received updates on the statewide assigned counsel shortage, and on the rollout of a new weighted case units system. Lastly, the Board approved several contracts.
May 11, 2022
General Business Meeting
The Board approved the new BIDS payscale and heard an update about the recently held first BIDS Leadership Conference.
April 22, 2022
General Business Meeting
The Board heard updates on training and the summer internship program. The Board also discussed the budget, proposed BIDS payscale, and legislative developments on assigned counsel compensation and the Board’s composition. Lastly, the Board approved several contracts for private counsel.
March 4, 2022
General Business Meeting
The Board received updates on the status of BIDS programs, and approved a contract for private counsel.
February 11, 2022
General Business Meeting
The Board heard updates on the assigned counsel shortage and received a budget and legislative session update from the Executive Director.
January 28, 2022
General Business Meeting
The Board voted for the current Chair, Braden Perry, and Secretary, Michael Birzer, to remain in those roles. The Board also voted to establish a public defender office in Wyandotte County.
January 22, 2022
Wyandotte County Public Hearing
The Board took comments from the public on a proposal for opening a public defender office in Wyandotte County.